In an effort to improve student task completion and to reward consistent daily attendance and contributions, students who earn a term average of 70% or greater in any grade 9 course, with all assignments completed and submitted according to the teacher’s deadlines, may be exempt from their exam. Students and parents may waive the exemption if they so choose. Our goal is to motivate students to complete all of their work, which in turn should improve their overall results.

Grade 9 Exemption Criteria

Grade 9 students may be exempt from final exams provided they meet the following criteria:

  1. A minimum of 70% in the course.
  2. All assignments submitted on time unless extensions were pre-approved by the teacher.
  3. No more than 3 unacceptable or unexplained absences and no more than 3 lates.
  4. In addition, a student’s exemption may be withdrawn for persistent inappropriate conduct in which case an administrator will discuss this withdrawal with the teacher.